☻  What I've done to address inequity in the industry since 2010  ☻   
Some facts about me
- During the pandemic, my team sold more Aviation gin than toilet paper on Amazon (ok, fine, it was only for one day. But still).
- Ryan Reynolds tweeted about the above (he used to own the company - the gin, not Amazon)
- While doing some design research, I got casted for a theatre show in Camden.
- I once appeared on Vietnamese national TV as a VJ. My relatives thought I became famous overnight.
Throughout my career, I have been an active campaigner for equality, intersectionality, and neurodivergence. I am a board member of SheSays, a global network that supports women and non-binary people in the creative industry. I am also the co-founder of Growth & Grace Collective, a gender-neutral, cross-industry network that promotes holistic growth. I am a Young Lion judge, a Pitch 100 Superwoman 2019, and an Amazon AWS GetIT ambassador for 2021 and 2022.

I enjoy hosting panel discussions and workshops around career development, mental well-being, diversity, and inclusion. The Leadership event at TikTok HQ was one of them.
Key Expertise


- Design / Creative Leadership
- Client management
- Team management
- Cross-function management
- Budget management
- Pitching
- Problem Solving / Working with Complexity & Scale

Creative & Design

- Design direction / Creative direction
- Design consultation
- Concept development
- Content curation & development
- Digital, print & social design
- Event / activation design
- Presentation design
- Video editing
- Campaign creation and evaluation


- Full funnel marketing
- Customer journey analysis & customer engagement strategy
‍- Market analysis
- Brand health evaluation

Soft skills

- Mentoring
- Public speaking
- Adaptable communication style
Some of my clients
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If you'd like to work with me, but are unsure if I'm a real human or not, feel free to speak to my neighbours who know me as Mother of Sausage (dogs). The middle one won The Scruffiest Dog award at CanaryWoof 2018. People find it hard to believe she's an actual dog, not a Womble.

They stack up like a burger on my lap when I work from home. They occasionally sit on my lap during panel discussions at networking events.
Mikaela Dragon © Creative since 2010. Proud mum of 3 sausage dogs